The snow did look beautiful and the hilly fields in Frenchay looked like a Swiss ski resort with adults and children having a wonderful time. Will we have lots of entries in the photographic section at Frenchay flower show later in the year? I hope so.
Another beauty peeping through the snow was the snowdrop. Galanthus nivalis, for many years I had no success growing this gem until I followed this advice. Snow drops do well in damp, light-shaded woodland or border. Add plenty of leaf mould or compost. They multiply of their own accord.
Divide the clumps every three years. Lift them when they still have foliage and even when still in flower. Tease clumps of bulbs apart trying not to damage the roots. Replant in clusters and water in. Snowdrops also like growing in terracotta pots. Position these where you often pass.
Hoping for warmer weather soon,
Hazel Wyatt