Having emptied the containers of summer plants its fun to just go to the garden centre with no preconceived ideas and find some plants at random to make a beautiful display to take you through to spring and perhaps under plant with crocus and small daffodils to give an early splash of colour when spring starts. Another idea for a container is to plant tulip bulb, daffodil and crocus bulbs in layers and then finish the planting with winter pansies and then feed in a few winter pansies into the flower beds to carry the colour through the garden. To stop any containers getting waterlogged raise them on feet that can be bought in the garden centre or find some flat stones. The bulbs will give a succession of joy in the first months of spring. Keep sweeping up leaves especially from lawns and ponds, cut off any leggy stems from roses that will catch the wind and keep deadheading if the frosts have not arrived.
The most important job is to feed the birds and hedgehogs if they can access your garden. Our wildlife needs all the help it can get. Enjoy the beauty of the autumn and perhaps start planning new ideas for your garden in 2022.
The Tidy Gardener