There are many reasons why plant leaves turn yellow ..Here are some of the common reasons and ways that you can help.
Insects living on and eating leaves
How to fix ....Spray plant with neem oil or an insect repellant soap.
OVERWATERING ....Leaves look yellow and wilted .
Poor soil drainage could result in plant roots drowning .
Add sand to soil or replant in a raised bed.
LACK OF SUNLIGHT ....Leaves look jaded and droopy .
The leaves are not getting enough sunlight .Reposition plant location .
DEHYDRATION ...Leaves look dry and feel crunchy to touch.
Plants should get at least 1inch of water each week. Water regularly .
Plants require 13 essential vitamins that they absorb from the soil.
There are 6 nutrient deficiencies that cause yellowing of leaves .
POTASSIUM deficiency ...Edges and tips of leaves are yellow .
Bury citrus rind in soil at base of plant . Add compost rich in fruit and
veggie waste.
NITROGEN deficiency .
Tips and central vein in leaves become yellow .
Add organic compost like manure or coffee grounds to soil .
CALCIUM deficiency .
Leaves become misshapen
Check PH of soil ...if acidic add lime ...if alkaline add peat
ZINC deficiency .
Leaves show signs of light discolouration between large veins .
Spray with kelp ..seaweed solution.
MAGNESIUM deficiency .....leaves show signs of white stripe along vein.
Add magnesium compound , Epsom salts or lime .
IRON deficIency ...leaves become yellow with small veins.
Test the ph ...lower to under 7. Reduce the amount of Phosphorus in soil .
Have fun being your plant doctor .
Hazel Wyatt