- What is made from Jersey kale?
- What do Sarrencenia, Drosera and Darlingtonia have in common?
- Which Surrey estate was presented to the RHS in 1903?
- Which London hotel shares its name with a popular hardy vegetable?
- Which plant genus bears the same name as a stringed instrument?
- From which country does the Lupin originate?
- What name links a British truck/lorry maker and a conifer?
- Lily beetles are destructive pests. What colour are they?
- Who designed the palm house at Kew Gardens?
- What type of tree is famous for growing to 4000 years old?
- The hard white wood of Euonymus Europaeus was once used to make an essential item in the wool industry from which it gained its common name. What is it?
- Is Old English Lavender truly English?
- The Victorians introduced a tall growing invasive weed with a potentially irritant sap as a garden plant. It escaped into hedgerows and became a pest. What is it?
- "Oh Adam was a gardener and God who made him sees, that half a proper gardener's work is done upon his knees." Who wrote this poem?
- What flower could be said to have a good memory?