Many of you might have been given an Amaryllis bulb in a pot for Christmas. It probably gave you instructions how to grow it .
The instructions were followed and you have enjoyed a spectacular flower all winter. Do you put it on the compost or follow the instructions below? If you do, I can promise a beautiful plant once again for next winter.
- As soon as the flower fades it is important to remove it and the seed head behind the flower. Just pinch it off. The stem will die back slowly.
- When brown and withered cut off at base with scissors.
- The bulb is then best kept in a light window (spare room ) and given a liquid tomato feed once a month from March to July. At this time there are lovely strong green leaves on the bulb.
- The bulb now needs to rest. Sop feeding and watering in September. To encourage the leaves to die, position plant pot on its side to avoid watering by mistake.
- Leaves will gradually wither and by end of October/early November they should have died back into the bulb. All the energy in the leaves will have gone into the fat bulb. If the leaves have not died back, cut leaves to half an inch above bulb.
- In November, knock the bulb out and replant it in the same size pot with dry John Innes no.3 compost. Place where you want it to flower after Christmas, not in bright sunlight.
- Do not water. This is important. If watered, you will have wonderful leaves but no flower.
- During January to February, tiny frills of foliage will appear at the tip of the bulb. Wait until a fat bulb appears between the frills of foliage then start watering. Remember, no flower if you start watering too early.
Do all this and one morning a thick stalk will appear which will soon delight you with a beautiful flower. Repeat process when flowers die and it will delight you for years to come.
When you knock out the bulb in November, you might find a baby bulb growing alongside. This can be separated and planted up in a 3in pot of John Innes No 1. The leaves are left intact and remain on the bulb all winter. In spring, re-pot in the next size pot and feed once a month. Keep watering and feeding and it will flower in 3 years time.
You are on your way to start an Amaryllis collection!
Hazel Wyatt