I had intended to give a few tips to keep your plants happy and watered during your holiday. I am sure you have thought and been given enough advice to do this during this heat wave. Parched lawns, wilting flowers and shrubs under stress will soon recuperate after a prolonged shower of rain. We must stay positive, all is not lost and there can and will be vibrant colour all around once more.
Late summering plants are seen as high maintenance yet there are plenty of easy to grow plants ready to deliver a riot of colour and form at this time of year. Sedum spectabile, Autumn Joy is one. By the end of August its heads are bursting with promise and covered with butterflies and bees. There are many varieties to find in garden centre.
Just as the garden seems to run out of puff, Helianthus Lemon Queen will give it an extra boost and score the winning goal. It will return every year and at 2 metres high creates a dramatic sky line. Despite its height it needs no staking. Another is Rudbeckia Herbstonne. It has chunky flowers and an intense yellow colour.
Tall plants look their best when they have a few short plants to hide their knobbly knees. Phlox plants are perfect for this, they look great, smell great and are easy to grow. Phlox prefer a sunny spot, give them some leaf mould in autumn.
Another favourite which rarely disappoints are the Japanese anemones. They come from China and most gardens have these. There are many varieties the most common is Anemone x hybrid. Honorine Jobert is tall elegant and white, look up some pink varieties, they are popular for a good reason. They are reliable, easy to grow, multiply easily and despite their delicate appearance are as tough as they come.
I hope when I write next the grass will be green and we as well as the plants will have survived. Enjoy!
Hazel Wyatt