I think of friends when I admire or use gifts that they have given me. I also remember them by the things they’ve said. When we say the Lord’s prayer, I think of our last vicar, Stephen, who remarked that there’s no need to say “Lead us not into temptation”. God doesn’t do that, we do it by ourselves! Another man, who prefers to remain anonymous, linked parquet flooring to people. Each block of wood, like us, different, but together forming an interesting whole. My mother’s favourite saying was, ”God moves in a mysterious way”. How true!
I realise I may have bored my friends lately. When they’ve kindly asked about my health I’ve replied “I’m on a medical roundabout”. I mean that explorations go on and on! Actually, I love carousels. The most beautiful one I have ever seen is in the centre of a little town called Montélimar. I’m sure it is even older than me!
My thanks to those readers who told me that they liked my Christmas poem. It was also printed in a different magazine. Do you write poetry? It could be your new hobby.
Instead of saying that I’m on a roundabout, perhaps I should say “ I’m in a revolving door “. Here is another of my poems.
Step in, step out
Where did the in-between go?
Step in, miss the exit
Round and round
Life’s like that, never getting anywhere
Too slow, too fast
Chances flashing past
Life’s just a revolving door!