When teaching French or English I often emphasized to my students the numerous words the same in both languages. As with most skills, confidence is the key to success (succès!) The word demonstration is the same in French and a protest is a protestation.
What intrigues me is who decided which words in French should be feminine and which words masculine. “Protest”, “Demonstration” and “Intrigue” are all feminine!! Do females protest more?
Climate change is certainly a worrying issue. In the last two weeks I’ve had friends finding the heat too much followed by needing to wear extra clothes.
I wonder how many of you reading this have joined in a protest march? In the nineties my daughter–in-law marched for better conditions for nurses, although she was a teacher. My daughter and her husband joined groups who were anti-hunting, they tried to send the riders off in the wrong direction. When my youngest grand daughter was doing her M.A. degree n London she joined in a demonstration against some governments using child soldiers. Her photo was in the Guardian newspaper protesting about an EU referendum.
I’ve never taken part in one but three times in France my husband and I were involved. Twice we were leaving a restaurant in Toulon after lunch, the first time was peaceful, but the second time was very stressful as the demonstrators started to throw bottles. I wanted to run, but my husband, always more sensible than me, said we must walk slowly. The third time we were at the Cannes Film Festival when our car was surrounded. All traffic was brought to a standstill. The staff from the many luxury hotels were demanding better pay!
I know one thing that I would protest about, amongst others. It is age discrimination! (Two more French words with the same spelling!)
However, let’s have a peaceful June,