As for the couple who lived permanently there, they became close friends. We were invited not only to all the events on the French side of the park, but to all their family events. We gave them and their children holidays in Clifton!
We also made many friends in the village of St. Yvi. Our doctor loved music and all his children played a different instrument. When he insisted that I spend a week in Quimper Hospital because of my alarmingly high blood pressure, he visited me twice, each time bringing his guitar. He sat on the bed and serenaded me!
The couple who ran the village Post Office quickly became friends too. They were amazed that we had actually bought a Post Office and could sell other things besides stamps! I was speaking to them yesterday on the telephone.
The only reason that we moved after two years was to go south for more sunshine. Head office gave us the choice of several sites and paid all our expenses to go and look at them! Perhaps it was because the 'top boss' had visited us at St Yvi. He had driven many miles and looked tired. After feeding him and enjoying some wine together, I offered him our bed for a siesta. He slept for four hours before driving on to the next site.
More about French holiday parks in August and about French schools.