My past was excellent, good parents, being a Redmaid, meeting my future husband when I was 14, marriage at 22, a new bungalow at Portishead, a son followed by a daughter, 5 grandchildren, a career and retirement in France. How lucky can one get? I had ill health, but coped with it.
However, the biggest disaster of my life was the death of my wonderful husband. Certainly a large blot on my past. Only my supportive family, friends and my faith in God plus my belief that we’ll be together again gave me the courage to carry on.
The future? Who knows, but personally I’m optimistic. Advances in medicine for example are incredible. Three months ago the lungs of one of my grand-daughters were full of cancer, but now she has been given the all clear. One other thing to mention. My ex-son-in-law is an expert on nuclear energy. He represents France and is leading a group from many other countries. They are based in Paris and are exchanging knowledge and ideas on this subject.
Personally as long as I keep my sight, I would like to live to 100. I might not be able to dance, but I can still sing, which brings me great joy. I love to drive, so can still go to France often! I have three families, my own, my church family and my French family, love coming from three directions.
That’s how I feel about the past and the future, but for me the present is equally important. It’s now, not what’s gone, not what we foresee! Each day is what we make it. I may be in pain, but I have an excellent GP, a Blue Badge, which is a great help and the faster I walk the easier the pain! I’m never bored with old hobbies to improve and new ones to explore, old friends to cherish and new ones to meet.
Terrible events are on our television screens, but often acts of bravery and kindness also show through.
God, my guardian angels and my husband are here with me.
Yesteryears were wonderful, the future will be full of opportunities and today will be a great day!
That is my wish for you all,